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About me

Nice to meet you, I’m Philip! :) #

I have grown up and living in Austria 🇦🇹 in the Alps and working part-time as a software developer in the energy industry and studying computer science at the University of Innsbruck.

To learn more about technology and computers I decided, after graduating from secondary school, to register for the electronics & computer engineering department at the higher technical school (HTL) Anichstraße in Innsbruck. At this five years I learnt to manage networks, design circuit boards and programming software. The programming part was the most interesting of my study at the HTL, where I learnt the basics of C, C++, Java and Web programming. My first attempts at programming were horrible, and I realized that I will not work as a frontend developer, because my designing skills are terrible :D. The first opportunity to apply my learnt skills were at a two-month-long summer job at the IT department of the hospital in Innsbruck. In this two months I helped at managing networks, fixing IT related problems (mostly because of the lack of knowledge at the customer side) and overhaul old computers that were not used anymore. I finished my five-year-long study at the HTL in year 2017 programming an information system for cafeterias named CISOS (Canteen Information System Open Source) with PHP - which… is not open source anymore, but hopefully in the near future I will find the motivation to implement this system with C# and .NET.

The next stop in my career as a software developer I signed up directly after HTL for the bachelor course for computer science at the University of Innsbruck, which I attend until this day. If you can calculate right, you will notice that I should have finished my bachelor around 2020, but I decided in March 2019 to work part-time as a software developer at World-Direct eBusiness solutions GmbH located in Sistrans, Tyrol. As a result of this, my study have slow down dramatically, but will try to achieve my graduation in year 2024 - hopefully Currently I have paused my studies and working fulltime as software developer. At least I have already finished my bachelor thesis with the title Increasing throughput of server applications by using asynchronous techniques – A case study on CoAP.NET.

Now, at my day-to-day job I’m working on products for the energy industry used by leading companies in Europe. These products are being developed with C# and using .NET as foundation. As a result of my activity in this environment, I had the chance to successfully work with really cool technologies like:

  • Quartz Scheduler
  • Polly
  • Spectre.CLI
  • and many more

Hobbies & interests #

Besides at working and studying, I’m fully into tech, programming and open source development. Also, I’m like to play a lot of strategy games like:

  • Heroes of Might and Magic 5 & 7
  • Stronghold
  • Cities Skylines
  • Crusader Kings III
  • and a lot more games on my pile of shame

If I get out in the wild, I’m mostly going for ski mountaineering with my father or going to the gym to not get too fat. Also, I love to play Billard or Darts with friends.

Thanks for visiting and have fun! :)

Philip Wille
Philip Wille
I’m interested into tech, especially into .NET, and working fulltime as software developer in the energy industry and studying computer science at University of Innsbruck. This website is where I share my experiences with .NET and Open Source.